We love crafting ethically-made dinnerware for drool-worthy food. Take a look at our catalog and let’s start creating together!
Download the 2022 Catalog

We work with our industry partners in two ways:
Direct to retailers
We work closely with retailers around the world to custom-design dinnerware products made specifically for their customers’ unique tastes and needs. From product forms to glazing and finishing options, our in-house design and development team is eager to collaborate with conscious retail brands to create unique and exciting collections for customers in all corners of the earth.
Direct to chefs
They say you eat with your eyes first, so our beautiful dinnerware is the first step to a fantastic meal experience (and makes plating a breeze). Looks aside, our products are made to endure everything and anything—no scuffs here!—and because they are safe to use in dishwashers, freezers, microwaves, and ovens, all of our dinnerware products are certified busy-kitchen-approved.